We will soon be releasing a new song and video entitled “The Great Divide“. The song and video are about the
We will soon be releasing a new song and video entitled “The Great Divide“. The song and video are about the
It has been said that music is the language of the soul. I believe this is true. Everyone has feelings and emotions. Joy and sadness, anger and fear, love and hate. All of us have them. They can rule you or be cruel to you. The worst thing that you can do is...
I was watching a 60 minute interview with Paul McCartney last night. The interviewer showed Paul a clip of the famous concert on the roof of Apple studios. She asked why they looked so happy if they were breaking up?
There is nothing like a live show. We have performed in front of large and small audiences. The one thing that remains constant is the connection that occurs when you perform live. To look into the faces and see that they are enjoying your...